Old Musella Methodist Church, Roberta

Presently known as the Lindsey Building and is used as the Roberta-Crawford Civic Center, this building was originally located in Musella and served as the Methodist church there. Thanks to Beth Paul and Frank Spearman for the identification. Mr. Spearman writes that Reverend Jim Hamlin notes it was de-commissioned years ago. Maurice Lindsey’s family were the last surviving members. Maurice, a rural mail carrier, died years ago and his wife, Betty, died about three weeks ago.

Roberta Historic District, National Register of Historic Places

5 thoughts on “Old Musella Methodist Church, Roberta

  1. Frank Spearman

    Rev. Jim Hamlin of Crawford County says “This is the old Musella United Methodist Church that was de-commissioned years ago. Maurice Lindsey’s family were the last surviving members. Maurice, a rural mail carrier, died years ago and his wife, Betty, died about three weeks ago. “

  2. Cheryl Luckie

    I’m not at all sure but this reminds me of the Primitive Baptist Church that wasn’t far from where I lived as a child. If it’s in town (rather than out in the country) it’s a possibility.


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