Category Archives: Air Line GA

Air Line School & Gym, Hart County

According to Aubrey Sims, via Facebook, there have been four school buildings at Air Line. He states that two burned to the ground and this is the only one still standing. Air Line Academy was the first, and built circa 1889 near this location. In 1925, a new school was built, which consolidated Union Hill (Bethany) and Cross Roads and was renamed Air Line Consolidated School. It was destroyed by fire in November 1938. A new school, thanks to the New Deal Works Progress Administration (WPA) agency, was completed and opened in 1940. It originally housed all grades but after another round of consolidation, was reduced to grades 1-8. An arson fire claimed the school in 1968, and the present structure was built in 1969. It remained in use until at least the 1990s. I believe the gymnasium also dates to 1969.