Category Archives: Vidette GA

Vidette Country Store

There may not be much left from its former heyday but the crossroads town of Vidette still shows signs of life with this busy little country store. The sign lists many available items, including: Grocery, Ice, Cold Drinks, Cig., Snack Bar, Bait, Fishing Stuff, Health, Beauty Aids, Belts, Hoses, Tires, Hardware, and Plastic & Galvanized Fittings. It seems like a lot of stuff for a little store but it’s the kind of independent business that typifies American enterprise, even in the fast-paced world of today. I’m always excited to find places like this.

Even better are these memories from Ouida McBride Malon, who writes:  I was born about 4 miles from Vidette and moved into Vidette when I was eleven. I graduated from Vidette High School. I am Ouida McBride Malon and I would say I am the oldest surviving person that ever lived in Vidette. I will be 94 years old this year. My relative Sally Peel told me that Vidette was named after a Mr. Videtta. There were 2 grocery stores owned by Mr. Russell Smith, Mr, Shivers. The barber shop, which once was a bank, was operated by Oliver Daniels. A couple of the stores were empty from as long as I could remember. The last one was owned and operated by John Railey and then there was a little blue wooden post office. The postmistress was Miss Johnnie Causey and was a relative of mine. Martha Peel who was a Home-Ec teacher in Vidette, who married Gilbert Peel had electric lights installed so we could play tennis at night. Our home was the green house across the railroad. I graduated in 1942. I know the names of every teacher that taught in Vidette . The town doesn’t have a single house in town that was not there when I lived there. The filling stationed that still stands was owned by Pap Burke but later Roland Dunn and Mary Susan owned it. Roland Dunn was a brother of my sister-in-law Elizabeth Dunn McBride. If any one wants to know any thing about Vidette you can answer. It was such a great small town to be raised in. I only know Frank Agerton and one of the Peels that owns the home I was raised in.

Historic Storefronts, Vidette

These two businesses are long gone, but their names survive. E. A. Burke is located on the left; Shivers & Kelley is on the right.