Category Archives: Chester GA

Garage, Chester

I presume this was a garage or utility barn of some kind.

Giddens School, Dodge County

The signage on the porch gable displays the years 1883, 1947, and 1985. I believe the school was established in 1883 and closed in 1947. This schoolhouse does not date to 1883 but was probably built circa 1910s-1920s to replace an earlier building. 1985 was perhaps the date the signage was placed, or the year of a reunion.

Springfield Baptist Church, Chester

Historic Storefronts, Chester

Several historic commercial structures survive in downtown Chester.

They once served as banks, grocery stores, and other general retail purposes.

Filling Station, Chester

Vernacular House, Chester

chester ga vernacular tar paper house photograph copyright brian brown vanishing south georgia usa 2010

As of 2019, this structure is no longer extant.