Category Archives: Shiloh GA

Trammell House, Shiloh

Most of the architectural elements have been removed, but in its heyday, this was a grand example of the Queen Anne style. (This photo dates to March 2012). Clyde Railey writes: …it was always (still is) called the Trammel House. My family lived in this house when I was very young , about three years old, (around 1948). I was fascinated with the “wrap around “ porch, and transoms over the doors.

Shiloh United Methodist Church, 1893, Harris County

This photo dates to March 2012.

Revival Tent, Shiloh

Once a common sight on the backroads of Georgia, traveling tent revivals and their unique brand of hellfire-and-damnation fundamentalism are increasingly rare today. (This photo dates to March 2012).