Category Archives: Fowlstown GA

Fowlstown General Store & Post Office, Circa 1878

I don’t know how long this has been abandoned, but there is a newer post office on Georgia Highway 309. Sam Griffin notes that retired Air Force sergeant Winston Pearson was probably the last owner/postmaster.

Update: As of 2022, this landmark is no longer standing, possibly a victim of Hurricane Michael in 2018.

Fowlstown Elementary School, Circa 1923

This served as Fowlstown Agricultural Products for many years. Thanks to Karen E. Thompson for the identification.

Roberts Store, Fowlstown

Charlie Skipper writes: This store in the 1940’s and 1950’s belonged to a man named John Roberts, and was known as Roberts store, it sat diagonally across the intersection from the original Swicord’s Store. John Roberts was a very kind man, who extended credit to many of the local residents, and often gave penny candy to the local children who came in the store. He lived near the city limits of Bainbridge on 309. Most recently, it has been used as Dollar’s Upholstery & Trim shop.

Whittle House, Fowlstown

Karen E. Thompson writes: This home originally belonged to my Great Aunt Maud Cleveland Whittle. When she was widowed, her sister, my Great Aunt Ollie Cornelia Cleveland, came to live there with her. They lived there until their deaths. The home was later sold and also became a rental home.

Hall and Parlor Cottage, Fowlstown

Fowlstown Methodist Church, 1880s, Decatur County

Thanks to Edwin Duke for the identification.