Category Archives: Goggins GA

General Store & Post Office, 1866, Goggins

Like neighboring Johnstonville, Goggins was one of the early settlements of what was then Monroe County, dating to 1834. It was originally spelled Goggans, for its namesake, South Carolina native John F. Goggans (b. 1802), and was variously referred to as Goggins, Goggans Station, and Goggansville over the years. Somehow, “Goggins” became the default spelling.

The agricultural community thrived and prospered throughout much of the 19th century, with the exception of the Civil War years, and was buttressed by the presence of the Central of Georgia railroad.

The historic store and post office building served the community until its closure in 1958. It retains its structural integrity, but due to the compromised roof will need stabilization to ensure its survival.

Johnstonville-Goggins Historic District, National Register of Historic Places

Precinct House, Goggins

My identification of this structure as a precinct house is tentative, based on the design of numerous other rural voting precincts I’ve documented. I will update if I learn differently.

Johnstonville-Goggins Historic District, National Register of Historic Places

Ethelbert Rumble House, 1886, Goggins

Ethelbert Rumble (1849-1926), who built this grand Victorian home in 1886, owned most of the land and structures around the Goggins community at one time, operating the general store and having a host of agricultural interests. Due to health issues, he and his wife sold their holdings in the area and moved to Los Angeles circa 1920.

Johnstonville-Goggins Historic District, National Register of Historic Places