Recreation Center, 1920, + Gibson House, Circa 1938, Thomasville

Jack Hadley writes that the Recreation Center “was built by Mr. W. E. Gibson in the 1920’s. The purpose of the house was to furnish a place where young black people could get together to socialize and have fun. The center consisted of three rooms and a large room where the youth could dance. In this room were a piano and chairs around the walls. The next room was the game room, containing a pool table and chairs. There was a kitchen where refreshments were served. Local clubs and industries often had social affairs in this building. In the back yard was a swimming pool where many children were taught to swim. The center served the community for about ten years. The owner tried to operate a community store but failed. Mr. Gibson deeded the building to his son Carlton for $1.80. Carlton Gibson raised the flat roof and added four rooms. He also filled the pool to make room for parking cars. In 1938, Carlton Gibson and his family moved into the house as it stands today [first photograph], and it became the first brick house for an African-American in Thomasville.

Stevens Street Historic District, National Register of Historic Places

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