Category Archives: Ebenezer GA

Jerusalem Lutheran Church, 1769, Ebenezer

Also known as Ebenezer or New Ebenezer, Jerusalem Lutheran Church is the oldest public building and the oldest church in Georgia. It is also the oldest Lutheran church in year-round use in the United States. [Augustus Lutheran Church in Trappe, Pennsylvania dates to 1745 but is only used part of the year.] Amy Willis wrote: “What a piece of history! My fifth great- grandfather was married here in 1769! John Cutler Braddock and his bride Lucia Cook. Thanks for keeping this history alive! I can’t wait to visit the church myself one day!

In 1779, British forces captured Ebenezer and during this time the church was used as a hospital and stable. After the British were driven out, the Georgia Legislature met here on 3-4 July 1782. Many thanks are due Reverend John Barichivich for inviting me into this holy and beautiful space, and for taking time out of his day to share some of its fascinating history.

National Register of Historic Places

Boltzius Statue, 2009, Ebenezer

Johann Martin Boltzius (1703-1765) served as pastor of the Salzburger Lutheran congregation at New Ebenezer from 1735 until 1765 and was largely responsible for its success. Boltzius was a vocal opponent of slavery.

This statue is located on the grounds of the Georgia Salzburger Society living history museum.